Monday 23 June 2014

Kevin Adams and more painted stuff

 Last week visited the new Wargames foundry site and had a nice day I meet an old friend again Kevin Adams the master sculptor and  figure maker, he is hard at work there  his skills never cease to amaze me and his talent is  just a miracle to  toy soldiers, Great to see him back after the vile attack on such a great guy. Very warm welcome and  to again see people i know and company I enjoy

 Crooked dice  assassins

 one i had to buy  no reason to ask
 A Fenris games  investigator  wonderful model
 another Fenris cultist 

 Redoubt miniatures nuns (you can never have enough)
 Dark sword  honey badgers anther just had to have 
 Wargames foundry Street violence  young lady
 wonderful dark sword  fantasy mini
 another dark sword miniature 
 CD games miniature i don't know WHO it is ?
 Cattle for my wild west and skirmish games Redoubt again

 Bolt action US Marines superb plastic stuff , I was very happy with all the  gear they do  very strong miniatures


  1. Nice to see Mr. Adams looking so well. That's a fantastic haul of figures there.

  2. You are a painting machine Tony! Great work and nice pic of Kev. Glad to see him looking healthier.
